NeoJoomla is a professional portal dedicated to the Joomla CMS! NeoJoomla provides free and commercial Extensions, a Template Club and Services.
NeoJoomla is also a one-stop source for all-news, updates and information related to Joomla! and the Joomla! community. We provide lots of tips, tutorials and resources to help you enhance your website.
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11/29/2006 |
We explained you a few days ago how to create lists of integers and
lists of month in a clean and automatic way thanks to Joomla API,
this article will explain you how to create fields of personalized
Program of this second part:
- Personalized options for your lists and radio buttons
Personalized lists
- The buttons personalized radios
11/28/2006 |
NeoRecruit is a recruitment component. It enables you to propose job offers or
internships. These offers are classified in various categories and
are allotted to a recruiter.
It is not simply a system which presents the offers, it makes it
possible to recover the CV and the covering letters the applicants. Those are stored in the database.
NeoRecruit is a commercial component, compatible with Joomfish and delivered with a module.
11/28/2006 |
Rewriting consists in rewriting on the fly the addresses "a little barbarian" of our favorite CMS.
For example, to transform:
- http://www.my-domain.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1&Itemid=2
in a much clearer address (for the user but also and especially for the search engines) of the type:
- http://www.my-domain.com/section/article/my-article.html
11/27/2006 |
To manage displaying lists of recordings contained in a database,
Joomla proposes the mosPageNav class. This one makes it possible to
define terminals, the limits between which the results of a request on
the database will be displayed. |
11/26/2006 |
This article is not directly related to the webdesign under Joomla! but
it concerns every graphic designer interested in
photography. |
11/26/2006 |
NeoFlashBanner is, just as its name indicates, a module displaying
banners or pictures in a Flash slideshow.
The installation of the module is carried out simply
by specifying the images folder destination .
The parameter setting of
the module is simple and offers many possibilities, such as the selection of
various types of transition, the adjustment of the latency between each image,
the speed of transition
NeoFlashBanner is a commercial module, it is compatible with the Joomla! 1.0.x
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