NeoJoomla is a professional portal dedicated to the Joomla CMS! NeoJoomla provides free and commercial Extensions, a Template Club and Services.
NeoJoomla is also a one-stop source for all-news, updates and information related to Joomla! and the Joomla! community. We provide lots of tips, tutorials and resources to help you enhance your website.
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10/27/2013 |
The NeoRecruit component is now available in version 3.1.3. This new release corrects some minor bugs and also improves some of the features of the component, including controls on the forms on client side.
If you want more details about this new version, you can view the complete lists of changes. |
08/17/2013 |
04/30/2013 |
03/14/2013 |
Bien que le projet Joomla 1.5 ait été officiellement abandonné, nous avons décidé de continuer à maintenir nos extensions développées pour cette version du CMS, ceci pour quelques mois encore. Les bugs identifiés sur la version 2.1 du composant NeoRecruit ont donc été corrigés, et nous avons aujourd'hui la plaisir de vous annoncer la mise en ligne de la version 2.1.1 (la liste complète des corrections est disponible ci-après).
Nous travaillons également à côté de cela sur une nouvelle version du composant pour Joomla 2.5, NeoRecruit 3.0.6, qui viendra corriger les derniers bugs qui ont été identifiées et ajoutera également de nouvelles fonctionnalités. Cette version est en cours de finalisation et sera disponible avant la fin du mois. |
01/31/2013 |
The module NeoRecruit Latest Offers version 3.0.1 is now available. This new version has been developed to complete the translations of the module and make it compatible with Mootools 1.4.5, the latest version of the Javascript framework, natively integrated into the latests versions of the Joomla CMS.
With this new release, you can so bring animation to the pages of your Joomla 2.5.8 or 2.5.9 website with a job offers slider. The classic layout with a job offers table is of course still available.
If you want a preview of these 2 ways to push your job offers, please have a look at our demo website, you will find there the 2 different layouts of the module directly on the homepage. |
12/27/2012 |
Here it is the latest release of our recruitment component named NeoRecruit, which corrects some minor bugs. If you want more details about these corrections, the complete list of the improvements is available here.
If you're already using the component NeoRecruit, you can download this new release for free and in a few clics from your space "My orders" > "My files". Then, you will just have to upgrade your component from the back-office of your Joomla! website, in the same way as you were installing a new extension.
And if you're not yet using the component, you can download NeoRecruit here ! |
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