Today, we present a well known developer :
Raphaël : Développeur
- What is your job? Can you tell us more about it?
« I am webdeveloper for NeoJoomla. I develop mainly Joomla! components and modules, and we propose them to our community. It can be new components, or updates of previous versions, in order to improve them and to reach new needs, as well as modules improving our developments. I also took part in the creation and the development of the e-commerce solution currently used on NeoJoomla. »
- Why to have chosen Joomla!?
« I discovered Joomla! during my studies, and since I didnt leave it anymore. At this time, we had to create a website for an association, and thanks to Joomla! it was done without any development. We simply took time to discover the CMS and to find the best suitable components to our needs, its functionalities are so large! Then, we could modify the source code of these components to adapt them better. »
- What do you bring to NeoJoomla?
« Besides bringing my technical skills in pure development, I try as much as possible to be on hand for the NeoJoomla forum users and to answer all e-mails that we receive. These questions can be related as well as details related to the use of our developments (installation, adaptation), as the functionalities that the users would like to see in our next developments. »
- Can you speak to us about your hobbies?
« I use a good part of my spare time to one of my great passions: sport, not only in front of the TV with some pals and some beers (as can practise François), but also on the grounds (of basketball and football mainly). I also develop personal websites, notably associative and a community websites, always under Joomla! obviously