When your are in the backend, go to Installation then click on Components.
On this page, click on Browse and select the file Then click on the button Install.
If the operation proceeded well, you will see the
message Installed successfully appearing with a short description of
the component.
While clicking on Continue, you go back to the list of all the components installed, in which figure now NeoRecruit.
To edit the configuration of your component, go in
the menu Components of the backend, then click on NeoRecruit. You
reach then the administration panel of NeoRecruit. In this panel, click
on the icon Configuration. You can then publish the global parameters
of the component as well as the default values used during the offer
Global parameters:
Introduction text: general presentation text for offers, which appears only on the first page of the component.
Authors: determine which user groups are
authorized to create new offers and to edit THEIR own offers in
frontend. Only the administrators and super administrators are
authorized to edit all the offers.
Creation approval: determine if you wish
that the offers lately created require the approval of an administrator
or a super administrator to be published, or if you prefer that these
offers are automatically published without any control. If you choose to
impose an approval, an email of notification will then automatically be
sent to the website administrator.
Edit Approval: determine if you wish that
when an author publishes one of his offers, this one is automatically
subjected to a control of an administrator or a super administrator
before being published, or if you prefer that it is automatically
published. If you choose to impose an approval, an email of notification
will then automatically be sent to the website administrator.
Background color: you can change the color
used to show the empty or bad fields of the application form, in order
adjust NeoRecruit to your Template.
Default values
Published: determine the status of a new
offer, published or not. If you imposed the approval of the new offers, a
new offer then will be automatically unpublish. This parameter can then
be modified for each offer.
Access to the offer: determine which users
will be able to visualize the offers in the public part of your site,
all the visitors, only the members or only the administrators. This
parameter can then be modified for each offer.
Access to the application form: determine
which users group will be able to reach the application form: all
visitors, only members or only administrators. This parameter can be
modified for each offer.
Email: determine if in the application form, the email is obligatory or optional. This parameter can be modified for each offer.
Field CV: choose to post or mask the field CV in the application form. This parameter can be modified for each offer.
Fields Covering letter: choose to post or mask the field "Covering letter in the application form. This parameter can be modified for each offer.
CV: determine if a candidate must
obligatorily join a CV to his application if he can leave the empty
field. This parameter can be modified for each offer.
Covering letter: determine if a candidate
must obligatorily join a covering letter to his application or if it can
leave the empty field. This parameter can be modified for each offer.
Create the link in the menu
To create a link towards your NeoRecruit component,
go in the menu "Menul, then click on the name of the menu in which you
wish to add the link (mainmenu, topmenu,
). You reach then the list of
the items already present in the menu which you selected. In the toobar,
click on the icon New. Within the category Components, click on
Component, the first link in the column of right-hand side. The form
which is posted then, enter the name which you wish to give to your
bond, then select NeoRecruit in the drop-down list of the
components. Take care of well publishing your bond, then click on
Saving in the bar of tools. Your bond is created!
The modules
3 modules are also available as a complement to the component :
NeoRecruit Latest Offers : the module of the most recent offers,
- NeoRecruit Search Offers : a search form to find offers quickly,
NeoRecruit Categories : the module of the categories tree.
If you are interested in these modules, you can download each one for free from the " Extensions" page.
NeoRecruit Latest Offers
To configure this module, go in the "Modules" menu
of your administration area, and click "Sites Modules". In the modules
list, click on NeoRecruit Latest Offers. You could like for the
other modules Joomla!, choose to hide or display the module title,
select the position, change ordering, the access level, publish or
unpublish the module and select the pages on which you want the module
Then, you'll find some parameters peculiar to the module :
The number of offers : the number of offers you want to display in the module,
The ordering : most recent first, last recen first, or by offers oredring,
Open : choose to display the offers details in a popup or in the self window,
Display type : display/hide the offers type,
Display category : display/hide the offers category.
NeoRecruit Categories
This module is in fact a menu of the all the offers
categories. If you create, edit or delate a category, the menu is
updated automatically. So it's not necessary to edit the module, you
just have to publish or unoublish the module, and select where you want
the module appear.
NeoRecruit Search Offers
This last module is a search form, that you can customize by selecting the fields you want to display (keywords, category, contract, location, experience and level).
If you already use a previous version of the
NeoRecruit component and you wish to update it to the latest version,
you just have to install it from your Joomla extensions manager, in the
same way as if you were installing a new component.